The Blue T-Shirt Jerseys and Red Tank Jerseys from the 2024 Summer Season will carry forward in the upcoming 2025 Summer Season. As such - new jerseys will NOT be automatically ordered for all athletes.
Sample jerseys will be available during evaluations on March 1st and 2nd to verify sizing. Jersey Numbers remain the same from year to year. New players will be assigned a jersey number after registration to ensure there are not duplicate numbers on any given team.
As a reminder, SLPSA typically has a 2 year cycle on jerseys. As such, you can expect new jersey designs for the 2026 season.
All Athlete and Head Coach T-Shirt Jersey
10U – 16U Take Top Jersey
We recognize that many athletes may also have red and/or white socks and belts from previous seasons. Athletes are allowed to wear these for games presuming all athletes on the team already have them and it's agreed upon by the team and coaches.